Tag Archives: Traffic Light control centre
Concept for the modernisation and connectivity of traffic light systems in North Rhine-Westphalia

The state government of North Rhine-Westphalia is driving forward the digitalisation of the transport infrastructure in North Rhine-Westphalia, in particular by modernising the traffic light systems (LSA) of the Road Construction Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia (Straßen.NRW). As part of the digitalisation process, the aim is to modernise around 5,500 traffic lights on federal and state Continue Reading »
AlbrechtConsult at the AVT Academy 2023

Presentation “Regional Mobility Platform Stuttgart” AlbrechtConsult’s Hanfried Albrecht and Matti Strohschein attended the AVT Academy 2023 in Cologne on June 15, 2023. Matti gave a keynote speech about the Regional Mobility Platform Stuttgart together with Marcel Münninghoff from Brilon Bondzio Weiser GmbH. Thanks to AVT Stoye for the invitation and the excellent event!
Project Regional Mobility Platform Stuttgart Region

In the project “Regional Mobility Platform Region Stuttgart” (RMP), the realisation of the so-called “Ringzentrale” (= ring centre) begins. The name is derived from the future area of responsibility: the road ring around Stuttgart. The subsystem for operational traffic management will be realised by Gevas Software GmbH, while Prisma Solutions GmbH will contribute the subsystem Continue Reading »