Tag Archives: Traffic management

Start of the tendering process for the RhineMain traffic management centre

AlbrechtConsult supports the “RhineMain cross-jurisdictional traffic management centre” project On 28.02.2024, ivm GmbH published the European announcement for the “RhineMain Traffic Management Centre” tender procedure. It will be realised as part of the “RhineMain cross-jurisdictional traffic management” project. In the future, the traffic management centre will be operated by Hessen Mobil and will manage the  Continue Reading »

AlbrechtConsult at the AVT Academy 2023

Presentation “Regional Mobility Platform Stuttgart” AlbrechtConsult’s Hanfried Albrecht and Matti Strohschein attended the AVT Academy 2023 in Cologne on June 15, 2023. Matti gave a keynote speech about the Regional Mobility Platform Stuttgart together with Marcel Münninghoff from Brilon Bondzio Weiser GmbH. Thanks to AVT Stoye for the invitation and the excellent event!

Traffic signal system-related application for V2X networking in the ACCorD research project

In the research project “Corridor for New Mobility Aachen – Düsseldorf” (ACCorD), which started on 1.1.2020, Straßen.NRW is testing the networking between vehicle and infrastructure at selected locations as an example for the use cases “switching time prediction”, “green time request” and “traffic situation” based on vehicle data. For each of the three use cases,  Continue Reading »

E21X: Corridor management in Germany

AlbrechtConsult supports the Autobahn GmbH in the realisation of a customer-oriented network management on strategic motorway corridors under the coordination of the Verkehrszentrale Deutschland (VZD). Essential components of the project are: Coordination of the traffic centres in the regions involved in corridor management to achieve a consistent control strategy in network management, Integration of the  Continue Reading »