Workshop on the transport logistic fair 2023, Munich

On 10th May 2023 the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport (DE) and the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (AT) organised a workshop on the implementation of the EU regulation on electronic freight transport information in Europe as part of the “transport logistic 2023” trade fair in Munich. Here are the presentations of the event (mainly in German language).

With Regulation 2020/1056 (eFTI Regulation), the competent control authorities will be obliged across all modes of transport to accept legally required freight transport information from economic operators in electronic form (instead of paper) from end of 2025, if this information is provided via certified eFTI platforms. For economic operators, the electronic form of submission is initially voluntary. Affected in the first step are areas of freight transport of all modes of transport, combined transport, cabotage, dangerous goods, waste and aviation security. The eFTI Regulation is a framework regulation, which will be followed by further legal acts specifying, among other things, the entire technical implementation and in which the EU Member States (MS) will be involved. This is necessary so that companies can transmit the relevant information in the same way in electronic form in all MS and compatible systems are created in Europe.

The aim of the workshop was to inform about the current status of the legal acts as well as about the further steps planned by the EU Commission and to present the possible preparations on the part of the control authorities. In addition, the advantages of the systems and the needs of the logistics industry were discussed with logistics companies.

Download all presentations (.ZIP, 8,62 MB)


  • Welcome and moderation, Birgit Faßbender, Deputy Head of the Freight Transport and Logistics Department, BMDV
  • Welcome and introduction DE, Prof. Klaus Bonhoff, Head of the Policy Department, BMDV
  • Welcome and introduction AT, Dipl.-Ing. Franz Schwammenhöfer, Head of the Logistics Coordination Department, BMK

Block 1 – Classification

Block 2 – Implementation by BMDV and control authorities

  • Presentation of CEF project candidate #eFTI4EU, Christian Lüpges, Senior Consultant, AlbrechtConsult GmbH (Presentation)
  • eFTI – A building block of modern control and digital logistics, Bernd Krekeler, Vice President of the Federal Logistics and Mobility Office (Presentation)
  • Dangerous goods control digital – electronic transport document and eFTI at the Federal Railway Authority, Alexander Haberkorn, Federal Railway Authority, Dangerous Goods Control Department (Presentation)

Block 3 – Company implementations